Computer Skills for Beginners

Computer Essentials (80 Hours)

Brief Course Description: This competency-based course is designed to prepare  students with basic computer fundamentals using the  latest software in Operating Systems, Word processing, Spreadsheets and Presentations. Emphasis will be  placed on virtual communication platforms such as  Email, Zoom and other online applications.  Additionally, this course will include soft skills,  employability skills, job search and résumé preparation.

  • Cost of Tuition:  $0
  • Cost of Books, Supplies and/or Fees: Approximately $100 (books)
  • Financial Aid: May be available. (See Advisor)
  • Course Prerequisites: STEP Orientation
  • Reading Assessment Requirement: Yes | 228 or higher on CASAS GOALS reading assessment
  • Math Assessment Requirement: (See Advisor)
  • STEP Orientation: Yes

Separate costs for books, exams, supplies, preparation, certifications and/or licenses provided by outside vendors may be incured.

Once a Certificate of Completion is earned in a course, that course cannot be repeated.